Kirby Clements, Jr., is a former prosecutor who has extensive experience handling Driving Under the Influence cases in Georgia. Kirby used to teach DUI and Vehicular Homicide trial techniques, so he understands the highly technical area of law. He regularly appears as a legal analyst on national television shows. Here, he is on Now in America.
Driving under the influence cases are very technical. Every facet of the case is important. Why the police stopped you, what happened during the stop, why they decided to arrest you, and what they did during and immediately after your arrest are all areas to be challenged. In addition, the officer's training and experience as well as that of any other law enforcement agent needs to be explored as well as how the breath test machine was functioning. Each of these areas is laced with legal landmines and you need a skilled attorney to guide you through. A conviction for this offense will result in jail, a fine, probation, community service, defensive driving courses, license suspension, in addition to other ramifications on your personal life.
If you are facing a driving under the influence charge in the Atlanta and surrounding areas, call Kirby Clements, Jr. 404-212-1928